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November 18, 2022Having an airline lose luggage is generally more of a nuisance than anything else, but for Joyce Jackson it meant also losing the chance to lay her husband to rest at one of their favorite places. She boarded a plane in Manchester, England headed for Florida, where she was planning to bury some of her late husband’s ashes.
The couple had been frequent visitors to Walt Disney World, and Jackson wanted to make sure she could leave a little of him there, along with their wedding rings. But somehow her luggage didn’t make the flight, and the ashes were in her suitcase. While Virgin Atlantic is taking a look into what happened, that’s little consolation for Jackson.
Her husband died unexpectedly in a tragic accident in 2021, and not being able to lay him to rest has been difficult for his widow. She also ended up stranded with not even a toothbrush or a change of clothing, due to her luggage not arriving with her. She believes the airline’s tag came off her bag before it was put on the plane, but can’t confirm that theory.
When Walt Disney World learned of the issue they provided her with a toothbrush and the chance to wash her clothes, but they couldn’t do much about the missing luggage. Jackson had to spend several hundred dollars on clothing and toiletries. While she was eventually reunited with her bag when she returned to the UK, she doesn’t have the funds to come back to Florida.
Sadly, Jackson believes she’s lost her chance to bury some of her husband’s ashes in a place he loved to visit. At 78, she’s not expecting to be able to make the trip another time. She also wanted to bury the ashes and rings on their wedding anniversary and her husband’s 80th birthday, which was an opportunity that was missed due to the lost luggage. While Virgin Atlantic is investigating, they have also stated that they’ll be in touch with Jackson, as well.
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