August Is National Make a Will Month

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August Is National Make a Will Month

Couple completing their Will

Every year, August is designated as National Make a Will Month. A lot of people don’t like to think about making a Will because they don’t want to be reminded that their time here will end. That’s understandable, but it’s important to push past that discomfort long enough to create a Will for peace of mind and important end-of-life information. The same is true for updating a Will, since what you wanted when you were younger and created one for the first time might not be accurate now. Life can change a lot, even in a short period of time.

Wills are important legal documents that spell out where you want your assets to go after death. Some people don’t make a Will because they don’t have much to leave behind, but it’s still a good idea to have one. Whether you have heirs to leave things to, or you’d like your assets to make their way to a charity, you need to let people know in a formal and legal way that will be properly recognized.

Additionally, you can use your Will to make sure your minor children have a guardian and your pets will be cared for by someone you trust. If you have specific items you want given to particular people, spelling that out in your Will can reduce fighting and other problems as the Will makes its way through probate, too. Wills empower your decisions and help give your family an easier way to process the financial and legal details of their loss when you’re gone.

If you haven’t made a Will yet and you’ve been putting it off, here’s your sign to go ahead and get it done. The same is true for anyone who’s made a Will but hasn’t updated it for years. Life changes mean changing your Will to keep up with what’s new, whether that’s a marriage, divorce, grandchildren, more assets, or nearly anything else. Reviewing your Will periodically can help ensure that the version your family has when you pass away is truly the version you meant to leave behind.

To learn more about creating a Will or starting your estate plan, contact us today!