105 Year Old Amateur Astronomer Witnessed His 13th Eclipse

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105 Year Old Amateur Astronomer Witnessed His 13th Eclipse

Total solar eclipse

LaVerne Biser, who’s always been enthusiastic about eclipses, has now lived long enough to witness his 13th total solar eclipse. The retired engineer got interested in astronomy when he was very young, on his parents’ farm in Ohio. He could see the Milky Way at night, and the interest it sparked in him continued all throughout his life. When he grew older, he became an engineer and had a successful career, but after he retired he went back to studying the planets and the sky.

Biser built telescopes, chased eclipses, and explored as much of the cosmos as he was able to throughout his life. His late wife, who passed away in January 2023, also shared his passion for the stars, and they traveled all over the world to see celestial events. Now that Biser is 105 years old, he can’t do as much traveling as he used to. Still, he has amazing and fond memories of all the eclipses he’s seen, and the experiences he had with his wife.

He’s also determined to continue to stay as healthy as possible for his advanced age, so he can still enjoy his stargazing. He says he’s lived a “clean lifestyle,” and that’s what’s helped him make it all these years. Of course, it’s likely that his interest in stargazing is part of his longevity, as well. It keeps him focused on something that he enjoys and gives him something to look forward to.

Biser lives in Texas, and spends time with his daughter and granddaughter. He also enjoys his workshop, where he prepares cameras and other instruments that he uses to see eclipses and other celestial events. During the years his wife was alive, Biser timed his vacations from work to coincide with upcoming eclipses, so the couple could travel to exotic locations just to be in the path of totality.

In June 2024, Biser will turn 106. He’s concerned that the most recent eclipse on April 8th might be the last one he gets to see, but he’s making the most of every opportunity and every evening when he can spend time gazing at the stars and enjoying the beauty they’ve offered him for decades.

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