August is National Make-a-Will Month

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August is National Make-a-Will Month

Make writing his Will

Making a Will is something a lot of people avoid, often because they’re uncomfortable thinking about their eventual death. Others avoid a Will because they don’t have many assets or a big family, or because they’re young and feel they have plenty of time before they have to worry about those kinds of things. But having a Will is important for everyone, and August is the time to create one! As National Make-a-Will Month, it’s the right time to stop putting it off and get a Will in place.

Every adult should have a Will. Children don’t need one because their personal assets would automatically go to their parents, and they can’t own property. For anyone who’s 18 or older, though, having a Will is an important and responsible thing to do. Despite that, only around one-third of Americans have any kind of estate plan already in place, and history has shown that even some celebrities and others with high net worth and plenty of assets die without a Will.

When you take the time to create a Will you reduce the confusion and conflict that can sometimes accompany death. It’s vital that anyone you leave behind understands what you want and need from them, and if you’re giving them anything specific from your estate. You don’t have to own real estate or have a lot of money to get value from creating a Will. You can also make sure your last wishes are honored in the way that you want and give gifts to people you care about.

If you have pets or minor children, you can also use your Will to create a plan for protecting them and providing for them. You may want to name a guardian or make other arrangements, so you can have additional peace of mind.

Making sure you update your Will during important life changes matters as well, since the Will you create at 18 or 21 will likely look very different from what you want at 50 or 75. If you already have a Will in place, August is an excellent time to review it so you can be sure your will reflects your current wishes and information.

We will work with you and your loved ones to build an effective and strong estate plan for you and your family to fit your unique needs. Our services alleviate wealth concerns and help you to enjoy life and focus on what really matters, your family. Contact us today to get started!

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