What You Need to Know About eSignatures

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What You Need to Know About eSignatures

Woman signing eSignature

Electronic signatures, more commonly known as eSignatures, are becoming widely used for various business and personal applications. The shift toward this way of signing documents happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, when meeting in person became more difficult to do and people were asked to stay home for their safety and the safety of others. However, being asked to keep their distance meant a lot of in-process or upcoming transactions would need to be completed.

Using eSignature platforms changed the game and made it easier for people to close on real estate purchases, sign contracts for services, and continue many of their normal operations from home or office without interacting with others in person. Once restrictions were eased and life mostly returned to normal, eSignatures stayed popular because more people had recognized the ease and convenience of being able to complete a wide range of transactions online.

While electronic documents and digital transactions are normal for a lot of businesses now, eSignatures goes a step further and collects data about the device used while signing, the location, and the time and place. That makes these signatures harder to fake and can provide important information for anyone who enters into a contract through eSignature options. One worry with electronic documents is that someone will create something and sign for someone else, committing fraud.

However, eSignature platforms that collect data about the transaction help safeguard against that and make it easier for anyone who uses eSignature technology to protect themselves against inaccurate or fraudulent contracts or other documentation. The Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA) and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN) both helped legalize and legitimize the widespread usage of electronic signatures, as well as encouraging strong protections for eSignature platforms.

The use of eSignatures saves money and time, making it more convenient for people who aren’t geographically close to one another to enter into contracts and sign documents quickly and efficiently. Anyone choosing an eSignature platform should look at the most important issues for their needs, such as cost, ease of use, security, integration with additional systems, and other specifics.

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